Psychedelic Techno


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Kofot Leif – Technophobia Records & No Qualms Records

Next artist really dont need no further introduction whoose favourite quote is „Been Doing This Shit For Years“
With Stamps in the passport from London To Romania And released tracks on labels like Maia Brasil Rec and Zenon Rec
The Author really dont know Where too start, So lets start with the beginning

His Musical journey started at the age of 12 with a Epiphone Electric Guitar pulling together his very own first SKA-Band in Westeros,
And after that things quickly elevated to the point of 16-17 when he and a friend „sneaked in“ (thats right folks SNEAKED IN)
To their first Rave in Eskilstuna, And thats what we call Love at first sight

After that Things just escalated he bought a pair of Pioneer 200 players  with a DJM 400 mixer from his friend Patrik (Tilt Syndicate/Electroscape)
And at 2008 he had his first VS set with his Brouder In Beats Plunkn (Romeroz/Glazed Pots)
In Vsters a town that quickly became too small for him So he started exploring Sthlm Young Hungry and Eagerly he crossed paths with stockholm based „Hypnotica Records Crew“
Who ammiedietly saw the fire and passion in his eyes, And took him under their wings shit became serious really quickly
When he in 2012 got signed too the Australian label NoQualms Records Wich resulted in gigs across Scandinavia and Europe

In the spring of 2019 he was contacted by Adam „Geek“ Zubarra at the infamous Technophobia Records who asked him if he wanted to be signed as a label DJ and join their fleet
And here we are noooow

So Prepare to be Elevated Re-builded And Re-Created
When Leif is „LeifinTheLife“ Behind the decks
As he Throws Meaty Beats For All You Funky Peeps

Livevideo :

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