Funkshape is the result of the onholding musical journey of Sebastian O. from Salzburg/Austria.
His passion for psychedelic music, and especially the Psytrance genre in all it’s diversity, sprinkled very early in the first decade of this millennium.
A club in Salzburg known as CaveClub aka B.Lack, a label called PsykoActive and other local partyorganisations did their thing on his mind, body and soul with those Funktion One and C37 Sound-Systems back in those carefree and blasting days.
Not to mention what huge impact the first festivals had on him. To this day the passion is holding on stronger than ever and has shown up in his 2020 new born project called Funkshape.
Exploring the deep worlds of possibilities this genre has to offer he`s taking us on his very personal ride threw a universe of pumpin basslines, squelchy leads, funky rhythms and moving spheres.
This liveset gives us an exclusive insight in his latest productions showing mainly unreleased tracks he is pleasant to finally show.